Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Talk with Taylor 12/25/12

It was so good to talk to Taylor this morning. There were a lot of emotions and tears but it was so good to hear her voice. 

The ward members have been taken very good care of them. She said that she was given a suit case and a sparkle blue hat from the ward members. They have been to dinner at many of the members homes and have received gifts. Some she mentioned was lotion, journal, chocolates, night shirts......

She says that she has been writing in her journal everyday for us to read when she gets home. I am so glad to hear that and can hardly wait to read about her experiences.

She had liked most of the food but is tired of all the big Sunday meals. She says that she is over them.

They are having transfers next week so we will not hear from her until Wednesday. She is very concerned that they will be effected by the transfer. Her companions have been together for two transfers now. Since one is from Idaho and one is from Utah they should be able to keep in touch. 

It was so good to hear from her. Still a little home sick but I challenged her to try and not worry about here and focus on her work. She can also try to find information on our ancestors. She is going to fine and do an amazing go. She is amazing.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Email 12/17

My week has been a little better i had a blessing about two weeks ago from one of my zone leaders. It helped a lot.

My exchange went really well. Sister Embley was so nice and fun. She is a lot like me as well. When she would talk to people in Chinese I would talk to other people in English. In lessons they all spoke pretty good English so I could just talk. Sister Embley would speak in Chinese and then repeat it in English so I would know where we were in the conversation. We had tea at some members house and they were so sweet they gave us so much chocolate. I am so going to gain weight here in Chorley especially with all of the tea appointments.
The meals are usually what they call a Sunday roast. Which is just like Thanksgiving dinner. But I kind of have gotten a little sick of it.

The Christmas party was fun. We had some lessons one from President Preston and the other from our Zone leaders. They were amazing lessons. I learned so much from them. We did skits and we did white elephant gifts. We watched Emma Smiths Story and then received our package from President and Sister Preston.

How is everyone at home??

I love you so much and can't wait to call you next week. I wont be able to email next Monday due to me calling you on Tuesday.


Sister Ballantyne

Monday, December 10, 2012

Letter 12/10

We also received a letter in the mail today.

She seems to be very home sick. She says that she has poured her heart out to her Heavenly Father and knows she is where she is supposed to be but feels guilty being so far away. She can not shake the guilty feeling. Questions if she really knows what she is doing there.

Email 12/10

I am kind of nervous for the exchange this week but it will be fun.

It is going really good. The members are really nice. We have a few investigators. They are really fun to teach and really nice. Some members refer people. We usually street contact or tract doors. Well the Holiday so far has been really great. It tends to make people a little happier. It is just a visit for the day. On Christmas eve we have kind of half a pday and then we can go to members houses each for 3 hours. Christmas day we go to the members houses 3 hours each and just spend time with their families. The ward is buying us a Christmas present. They keep asking us what we need, and you know how much I hate that question. I think i will just call you!!! I was thinking i would call around 9am. I figured that you would be at the Curtis's house. Is that alright or would you rather do something different?

Sister Longmore has been out 11 Months, and Sister Hansen has been out 8 Months. We are the only sisters in our zone but there are about 8 sister companionships in the Manchester mission.

Thank you for everything that you do!!!

I Love you all so much and miss you too!!


Sister Ballantyne

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Letter from 12-3

I switch places with another sister. And I just found out that the sister I am going to be with on the exchange for her mission is the Chinese speaking mission!! So I will be teaching Chinese people!!

I love the food they are serving me!!! It is so good we are really spoiled!!  There were only two sisters before I got here they just thought that I replaced one of the other sisters. I think it willl get better now that they know there are the 3 of us. I had to bear my testimony yesterday so I hope that helps and that they get to know me better.

Zone conference was amazing and so was the temple!!!! I loved every bit of it!!! I got to meet so many people. I learned so many things. Yes i bought a back pack it works great. No I have not found a coat I have been looking but I am not that cold my companions think I am crazy because they are always cold. I am fine with money so far.

We have a Christmas fireside at the Mission Home about a week before christmas and we are going to members houses on Christmas day.

Thank you so much for eveything!!!!
I love you so much!!!!

I hope every one starts feeling better!!!

Sister Ballantyne

Also 11-26

The address for my Apartment for you to send me letters at is

1 Grove Wood House
Preston Road
Chorley, Lancashire

Letter from 11-26

I am having a wonderful week. I love having 2 companions it is what I am used to. I think it will be really weird just having one. Speaking of which I am going on exchanged on the 11 December to 13 December. I will be going to Liverpool for those 2 days. I am both excited and nervous. It will be a great experience.

For Pday today we went to a funeral for a lady in the the ward. The Spirit was so strong. I cried!!! Then we are emailing and then going to do a little shopping to get a few things that we need and then we are going to write letters and then go eat at a members house. The members are so sweet we have a dinner appointment pretty much every day. Then we are going to meet with a gentle men that we met street contacting the other day.

Yes I know I am very spoiled right now when it comes to the Temple. I think it will be the last time for a year. They only go once a year in the Mission field. So I will have to wait until the next time.

I love you so much and I hope everyone is doing well!!!!


Sister Ballantyne