Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Email 5/28/13

I really miss having scones at grandmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes it was really good to have our 1st baptism!!!!! He is such a cute little boy!!!!!! Yes they are his family. The campaign is Mormon.org. They are doing it because there is a musical going on called The Book of Mormon. So the church is using to benefit the church. It is really good. You should go look at it. They did this same campaign in NY.
Thank you so much!!!!! Could you also send pictures please????
Next transfer is on June 12. But we should find out if we are leaving and where we are going on the 8th of June. That will be a very emotional day. Because we also have a baptism that day!!!!!!!!  I think I will most likely be the one leaving if one of us leaves. But we asked President Preston if we could possibly stay one more transfer. He said we will see. It depends on if he needs the trainers. Elder Donaldson the Area Seventy in our area called President Preston and told him that we are doing such an amazing job here in Rhyl and he would also like to keep us here in Rhyl one more transfer. I think Bishop Donaldson did the same. But I will go where ever the Lord sends me. He knows better then I do where he needs me. 
Haha I love her so much. Her and Graham remind me a lot of you and dad. I will be going to Liverpool today for an exchange. Yes that is where I went on my first exchange in Chorley. But it will be with different sisters this time. Yes, but there have only been a few times where we have needed to call them. And it is only because there were a lot of drunk men. So we decided to call them. Not that anything was going to happen, but it is better to be safe then sorry right!!! Don't worry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh we are so staying in touch if I have anything to say about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you so much!!!!!!!!! Thank you for always being there for me!!!!!!!

Sister Ballanytne

Ward Missionary Plan Taylor and her Compainion presented



“Now is the moment in the timetable of the Lord to carry the gospel farther than it has ever been carried before... Many a person in this world is crying, knowingly and unknowingly, 'Come over... and help us. ' He might be your neighbour. She might be your friend. He might be a relative. She might be someone you met only yesterday. But we have what they need. Let us take new courage from our studies and pray, as did Peter, 'And now, Lord...grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word' (Acts 4:29).”
Spencer W. Kimball


Seven Lessons on Sharing the Gospel:
1.            We simply can’t predict who will or won’t be interested in the gospel, and building a friendship is not a prerequisite to inviting people to learn about the gospel.
2.            Despite their inexperience, we can trust the missionaries to teach the gospel well, because whom the Lord calls, He qualifies.
3.            Inviting others to help us with our work in the Church helps them feel needed and helps them feel the Spirit.
4.            Once we realized that we succeed as member missionaries when we invite people to learn and accept the truth, much of the fear that kept us from sharing the gospel vanished.
5.            Because we have so much to do in our busy lives, we need deadlines. Write down a date.
6.            When we are busy serving in the Church, we can expect God to bless us with miracles when we go and do the things He commands. God’s role is a constant, not a variable.
7.            Having the missionaries regularly help us as a family teach the gospel to new and old friends through the power of the Holy Ghost has profoundly affected the faith of our five children and brought the Spirit of God into our home.

Formula for Experiencing the Vision:
1.            Seek inspiration through prayer for a date
2.            Account missionary experiences every week in Family Home Evening
3.            Testify as often as possible
4.            Daily prayer
5.            Frequent fasting
6.            Creating opportunities for gospel conversation
7.            Invite the missionaries to your home to teach your family

Each family will create their own plan according to their personal revelation and family needs. Set aside a family home evening to create and type up the plan and turn it into the Bishop via email or at church.

“There is neither man nor woman in this church who is not on a mission. That mission will last as long as they live.”
-Brigham Young

Ideas for your Family Mission Plan:

Everyday acts:
1.            Pray together that the Lord will prepare the hearts of specific people to hear the gospel.
2.            Study the scriptures as a family.
3.            Be aware of opportunities to reach out to others. Be neighbourly and reach out in love to all people.
4.            Invite non members to Family Home Evening.
5.            Invite to ward activities, fire sides, and open houses.
6.            Encourage youth to befriend other youth and invite them to activities.
7.            Hand out a mormon.org card, pass-along card, Family Proclamation, or other Church pamphlets.
8.            Have the missionaries in your home to teach your family.
9.            Bear testimony as much as possible to family or friends.
10.         Study Preach my Gospel as a family.

**These are only ideas. There are plenty of other ways to share the gospel that exceed this list. We encourage you to seek inspiration and do what is best for your family. The Lord knows what you can do!

President Hinckley said,
“It will be a great day when our people not only pray for the missionaries throughout the world, but ask the Lord to help them to assist the missionaries who are labouring in their own ward.”

Faith building:
1.            Pray that you will be sensitive to those whom the Lord is preparing and will have the courage to invite them.
2.            Share your testimony and Church experiences with your friends.
3.            Tell your friends about uplifting and spiritual sacrament or auxiliary meetings
4.            Ask friends and neighbours to serve alongside members in such things as providing community service, providing meals to those in needs, teaching mini classes in Relief Society enrichment meetings, helping with ward activities, helping people move, working in scouting, helping with family history and welfare projects, home and visiting teaching.
5.            Invite non-members, relatives, and neighbours to baptisms, confirmations, and priesthood ordinations.
6.            Create a mormon.org profile and share that with your friends and explain the “I'm a Mormon” campaign.
7.            Invite non-members to sacrament meeting.
8.            Write your testimony in a Book of Mormon and give it away.
9.            Visit people who are experiencing changes in their life such as births, deaths, or marriages and share your testimony of the Plan of Salvation.
10.         Invite your friends to have the missionary lessons in your home.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Email 5/20/13

I have pretty much had the best week every!!!!!!! It was absolutely amazing!!!!!! So on Tuesday a district meeting and it was really good. But the best part was when we were talking about how one of our investigators wanted to be baptized on the 25th of May but probably wouldn't be able to because we thought it would be to short of notice for our district leader. Then our District Leader told us that he would be able to come tomorrow and interview him so that he could be baptized on the 25th of May. So now Adam is going to be baptized this Saturday!!!!! I am so excited. He is the 9 year old that we have been teaching and his parents are Graham and Chez. They are the less actives that are now active members. I am just so excited that Adam is going to be our first baptism!!!!!!!!!!! He is so cute!!!!! Since I met them I knew that we were in this area to help them!!!!! It has been an amazing experience. He is just great.

Yesterday we had stake conference and it was a broadcast!!!! It is so good to hear from Richard G. Scott. He talked on the Divinity of Women. It was exactly what I needed to hear. We also heard from President Erying, Elder Baxter, and sister Oscarson. It was really really good. We had quite a few investigators there. We also got our Ward mission leader and his assistant. We have not had one the whole time we have been here. I am so excited to see what we can do with a ward mission leader. If we were able to do all this with out one. I know that it was not us that it was Heavenly Father through us. But I am just so excited to see what we can do. I know that we can do so much more and I think the Ward mission Leader and his assistant are just the ones to do it!!!!!!!!

I also got a blessing from Bishop yesterday. It was one of comfort and guidance. And I think it is one of the best blessings I have ever had since being on my mission!!!!!!!!!!!! He blessed me that all of my deepest desires would be given to me!!!! He blessed me that I would find the courage and confidence that I need to seek and develop my gifts and talents. He said that because of my Humility I am a great leader and trainer and that I would continue to train throughout the rest of my mission. That part terrifies me because of the new leadership role for sisters!!!! He said that my mission would help me in my many other callings in the future. He said some other things as well and then went to close. But he was prompted to keep going. He said that I have been called to this area for the Mitchell Family!!!! He said that I have a way of teaching to children and it is the reason I was called to serve this mission. He also said that Families are waiting for me to teach their children. It was an amazing blessing!!!!! I am so glad that I had the feeling to ask bishop!!!!!!!

I also found out that one of my friends (Jordan King) here is a cousin of one of my friends (Bekah Fuller) back home. It is really crazy!!!!!!!!!!

Yes that is true that you cannot hide anything from Heavenly Father. But the best part is that He will always forgive you if you have the godly sorrow (Sincere Heart, Real Intent, and Faith in Chirst).
I just love your primary class already!!!!!!! They sound so cute and so much fun.

Just so you know next week is another bank holiday so I most likely wont be able to email until tuesday!!!!
I love and miss you tons
Sister Ballantyne

Monday, May 13, 2013

Email 5/13/13

It was good to see all of you as well. I wish we could have stayed on and talked a lot longer.
I am glad that I got to talk to her as well. I really missed her. I am so proud of her strength and perseverance. I am also proud of my little bro. ( who is not so little anymore:( ). They are both just growing up so fast!!!!!
I am glad that you had a good mothers day!!!!!!!!! I wish I could have been there but seeing you was the next best thing.
I am happy that Grandma and Grandpa Tyne were able to be there. It was really good to see them. It was good to see that they are doing alright.
This week has been crazy! We had the ward fireside which went really well I think I am going to try and send you a copy of our ward mission plan. I think it would be good for your ward. We had the Bishop, the Stake President, and the Area Seventy there. I was so nervous but it turned out really well. During the time when Sister Clawson and I were talking I kept having this thought that what I was saying was meant for a certain person in that room. That person is a member that we have been working with. He is a YSA and he is 22. He doesn't feel like he has a relationship with God and he doesn't know if the church is true. The reason he is feeling this way is because he prayed and got an answer and then ignored the answer because he was afraid to do it. The answer was to go on a mission. He felt like he couldn't do it, that he could not talk to people. So we challenged him to pray again and ask Heavenly Father what He wanted him to do, and to be willing to act on it. Well during the fireside I was saying that I didn't want to come on a mission. It was not in my plans at all. Plus how could I teach the Gospel. I had only read the Book of Mormon once and that was because I had to. I didn't really gain anything from it.  But then I prayed and was told to come on a mission that there was someone here that I needed to help. But since being here my Testimony has grown so much, and that is because "Whom the Lord calls, He qualifies." He will make it so that we can help those that need it. D&C 82:10 I the Lord am Bound when ye do what I say. When ye do not what I say ye have no promise. If we do what he asks of us. He will make it possible to do his will. He is not going to ask us to do something and then make it impossible to do. Well after the fireside as we were getting refreshments. He told me that He was not happy. I asked him why? He said that I knew why. I had to tell him 3 time that I had no clue why He was not happy. He told me the reason. He said: I have to go on a mission. He got his answer. And the best part is He got his answer at the exact moment I was thinking that the Fireside was for him.
Then Elder Donaldson came up to Sister Clawson and I and asked us if we would like to come to lunch at his home and have lunch with Him, His wife and some general authorities. It was so amazing. The past few weeks I have really felt like a missionary. During the Lunch he kept telling them that he invited us because we continue to inspire him so he thought it might be nice for us to be inspired by the others in the room. What an amazing honor to be able to see that our hard work is paying off. I love this area. I have come to realize that the areas I love the most are the areas that I struggle personally the most in. And that is because Heavenly Father knows me and He knows what, who, and where I need to be.
I love this Gospel, and I love seeing the change it makes in people. There is a Family that we are working with the parents are less active and none of the Children are baptized. One wants to be baptized as soon as possible. The parents names are Graham and Chez. They are so kind and so funny!!!!!! We have been reteaching them and it has been an absolute blast. They actually remind me of you and dad!!!!!
I want to thank you so much for everything you do for me!!!!!!!! I love you all so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Until Next Week.
Sister Ballantyne

Email 5/7/13

Last week was really good. We have 4 new investigators and it has just been really wonderful to she how the Lord has blessed this area.We have one investigator dated for baptism and another thinking about a date to be baptized. I am so grateful to be here and to be a tool in his hands.
This week has been really good so far as well. The ward is really taking care of us. A lot of them went to a lake yesterday and 3-4 of the families invited us to go. It was so much fun and it reminded me of UTAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so beautiful. I will have to send pictures next week.
I have come to realized that the areas I love the most so far have been the areas where I have had the hardest time with myself. It is amazing to see that even through those hard times I can still love the people and area that I am in. They are all so great and exactly what I need. There is a less-active and his wife who is also less-active who we have been working with. They are so amazing. Their 9 year old son wants to be baptized and go on a mission one day. Both of them are starting to come back to church and have promised us that it is for good this time. It has been so good to see them both grow together. The first time we went over to teach them we went with the plan to teach him, but it soon became clear that we were really there to teach her. And to help him teach her. That was going to be the way to get both of them back and to bring their kids with them. During one of the lessons we found out that her brother had died, and she asked where he would end up. After we left Sister Clawson and I were talking about it and we just had this overwhelming feeling that her brother had accepted the gospel and that he had led us to her. He has been helping ever since. It is such an amazing experience to know that people on the other side of the veil are leading us to their family. I absolutely LOVE it here.
It is not a castle it is a Mansion. And yes we are going on friday so we will be out all week.

Wow so many Birthdays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell them all Happy Birthday for me!!! I hope that you all had a great Cinco De Mayo.  I told people here that it was Cinco De Mayo and they all looked at me really weird which is nothing new, but I had to explain that it was an American Hoiliday.
Oh I hope that he feels better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes that is the right time. I can hardley wait as well. I will be skyping from the YSA house so you can meet some of my friends that I have made here. It is funny because one is just like me and the other is just like Sister Clawson. Yes they can help me. That day we are going to a house for tea and their son is on a mission in New Zealand so they get to speak to their son that day as well.

I love you all so much.
Sister Ballantyne

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Email 5/1/13

Yes I got what I needed I bought a dress and some shirts. They are really cute!!!!!!
Oh my goodness mom this week has already been amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday was sister Clawsons birthday and that was a lot of fun the ward really took care of her. One of the less actives that we are teaching bought her a present but what they did not realize they had already given both of us the best present the day before. They came to church!!!!! Granted we had to bribe them a little bit but they were there. And they were early. Oh I was so happy I have really grown to love their family. We are reteaching the wife because she has been less active for quite a while. But she is doing so well. She is now telling him that they should read and she already has the clothes for next week all ready for church. Their kids are not baptized and one just became a new investigator. On Monday he told us that he wants to get baptized and go on a mission. And he wanted his own set of scriptures to read. I am just so happy. I really feel like they are a big reason why we are here in Rhyl and why I still feel like I am needed here. They are just so great.
Yesterday we had a lesson with our Investigator Rhys(Reese). And we were able to help him realize that he has had the answer to his prayers and he is now praying for a date to be baptized. I am so excited!!!!!! I am also working on helping one of the YSA in the ward with some of the same feelings that I have every so often. The feelings of your heart and brain disagreeing with things and questioning your faith. I hope that I will be able to help him. I constantly have to pray and ask if this church is true. Which I can see as a good thing because I am constantly seeking for the truth, but it can also be hard. But it helps me grow.
This morning we had a miracle call that one of the former investigators in this area was at church on Sunday and has decided that he feels like it is time to start making changes in his life and start taking the missionary lessons again. His wife is a less active and has been waiting for this for a long time. Sister Clawson and I both saw them at church but had no clue who they were and were going to talk to them but they left before we could. I am just so thankful for all of the many miracles and blessings that we have been able to see!!!!!!!!!!!
So guess what!?!?!?!?!?!?!? We were at an investigators house last week for lunch and she made sandwich's. One of the sandwich's was smoked Salmon. But it looked like raw salmon. I was not a huge fan but I ate it anyways to be polite. We also went to a members house for Tea and she had some friends over who were not members. One of them is a former investigator that may become an investigator again. He is 80 years old and the only reason he stopped taking the lessons is because he likes his money and did not like the law of tithing. He threw the elders out because they brought it up. Well while were there I was talking to him and then we were told to go into the dining room for tea and as I walked passed him he tapped my bum. I was the most awkward thing ever. I had no idea what to do so I just ignored it. It was so strange.
Wanna hear a funny story??? Sister Clawson has a blanket just like stephanies. And she brought it on her mission just like Stephanie. It reminds me of home I love it!!!! I love being here with Sister Clawson!!!!! She is such a wonderful missionary. She is constantly teaching me. This ward just takes care of everyone and I feel so blessed to be here.

Yes I know Sister Clawson keeps reminding me that today is my 6 month mark.

Love you mostess hostess toastess!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sister Ballantyne