Monday, February 25, 2013

Email 2/25/13

I have had a pretty good week. We had another sister with us due to health problems so we have stayed in quite a bit between her and Sister Telefoni, but we have had a blast. Yes this is the week we should get the trainee she should come on Saturday. But we are not sure right now because President Preston might change some things around so we should find out tonight what the plans are. There are a few that the previous elders were teaching that we picked up but most of them only speak Hungarian so it is kind of hard. But I have decided that I am going to learn Hungarian;) We'll see how that goes!!! We haven't had too much snow lately last week we had 5 days where the sun was shining and 3 where we didn't need to wear jackets.
Oh I am so excited for them. She is going to be a wonderful mother. I am so sad that I am not going to be there to see them, So I am going to need some pictures!!! Please
Haha Camden is so cute!!! He will talk when he feels like he has something to say!!! Plus with our family how could he get a word in we are constantly talking:) He will do it when he is ready!!
I miss those horses!!! That might be a good change for them.
Your class sounds like one of the best classes ever!!!!!!!! I wish I was in that class I would have so much fun. It is crazy just how much that really do take in!! It is just the sign of the times.
I am doing good, Just trying to ignore all of the worry and stress that I have. The other day at Zone Conference I had a feeling that I really should get a blessing. While I was sitting there listening to Elder Kurr of the Area Seventy for our area give a training he said something that hit me and I knew that I needed him to give me the blessing. He said; We need to place our hands in the Lords and he will help us. I have heard that many times before but just hearing it from him it helped. So after Zone Conference I went up to him and asked if he had a few minutes to give me a blessing. We got my Zone leaders and Elder Kurr asked what the blessing was for. I told him that it was for peace and comfort because I have been really stressed and crazy with worries. He gave me a blessing and pretty much said that everything will work out as long as I put my hand in the Lords and trust what he is telling me!! I am so grateful for the Priesthood and for all it does for me and our family. I want to thank you and dad for teaching me about it and for the opportunity to grow up with the priesthood in our home.
The MTC here has definitely had an influx. Our next group of missionaries coming in next transfer is 34 new missionaries plus some going to other missions.
I love you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you all have a wonderful week!!!!
Sister Ballantyne

Monday, February 18, 2013

Email 2/18/13

I am glad that Lexie  liked the card!!! How was her birthday???
Tina is so sweet!!!!! I was so shocked that she had sent me the package. It had a book in it and a chapter from President Gordon B. Hinckley's biography!. It was so kind and thoughtful of her to send it to me. In the letter it talked about her missionary experience. I am glad that she didn't feel any pain. I would have felt really bad if she did.
We get Book of Mormons from the mission office. But that is very kind and thoughtful of Sister Brown. I am glad that you now know what white washing is;) My new address is
the Mere NO. 9 Bradstone Court
off Brocksby Chase
Bl1 2JD
Kaetlyn is so cute. I am sure that her talk was pretty powerful. Thank you for sharing that with me. The poem is absolutely wonderful.  Seth is funny!! I am sure that he did a great job as well. He is a very good example to the youth. I don't think he realizes it either.
Haha you should come prepared next time and know how to make balloon animals;) Didn't you know that is now a requirement to teach primary?? HEHE!!!!
I absolutely love my new companion she is so cute and sweet. We have to spend time in the flat some days because she gets really bad stomach pains. I am now starting to realize why President Preston put us together. Because she is going to be training in a few weeks and when she is in bed in too much pain I will be the one training her. I am terrified!!!!!!!!!!!! I so don't want to train!!! I kept hoping that he wouldn't ask me so I wouldn't have to say no. But he has already told me that he is going to need me to train. Baaaaaaa I am so nervous. The ward is really small but I like it and every one here really wants to do missionary work. It is going to be a really good transfer!!! I love Bolton but I miss Chorley!!
I love you all as well
Love you mostest hostest toastest
Sister Ballantyne

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Email 2/14/13

This is transfer week so we did not get an email until today.

The Temple was good I was able to go again yesterday. I have been transfered to Bolton we whitewashed in, so it has been quite a bit of fun trying to find our way around.
I don't think the burn will leave too much of a scar.
It snowed yesterday so it was quite entertaining with all of the suitcases.
We had ward conference as well! It was really good they talked all about the Restoration and the Book of Mormon and using them for missionary work. I am sure that yours was just as wonderful!! It is good to be true to yourself.
 As of right now I am not coming home. I told President that I was not going home yet. He asked what I meant by that. I l told him that it meant that I am not going home right now but if I happen to get ingured (not planning on it) or if I am told to go home I am not going to be mad I am just going to do what my Heavenly Father needs me to do!!!!!!!!!!!! My new companions name is Sister Telefoni she is from New Zealand. We will be getting a new one in about 2 weeks. She will be coming from the MTC she is there longer because she is learning English. She is from Spain. Her name is Sister Rojas Vela.
UMMMM ya I don't think that I like that either. He needs to stop growning right now!!!!!! Haha I am sure that she is excited!!! But I think she needs to stop growing up!!! I don't like this change thing!!!!
Love you tons!!!!!!!!!!
Sister Ballantyne

Monday, February 4, 2013

Emial 2/4/13

Well I have to admit it has been a really rough week!!! I will be going to the Temple Tomorrow Morning. Hopefully that can help clear up my mind of all things. I will hopefully be able to go to the Temple next week as well on Trasnfers. It is so hard having a Temple so close and not being able to go when ever I want. But it is also humbling to be able to turn to my Heavenly Father and seek his guidence.
My hand is doing fine it is starting to peal, but it is healing very nicely. Sister Spencers hand is fine it was better in 2 days. We are meeting with Laura tonight I think she is doing alright, but I know how hard it is. I just wish I could do more for her. Well we were teaching another one but we had to drop her because she wasn't keeping commitments or appointments. I really didn't want to drop her but there is only so much that we can do without beating them over the head. Sports day was fine. I was able to talk to Sister Longmore and Sister Hanson. I wasn't able to do any of the sports because I was talking to them about what I was feeling. It was really good to talk to them I miss them so much. They helped me so much last transfer. I will forever be grateful to them because they broke me and made me talk about feelings blah;) I also got to see a lot of the other sisters that I am friends with. Yes I am surrounded by loving sisters. I got the chance to meet some of the new sisters coming in on the 13. We were leaving church yesterday and they were outside the MTC taking pictures so we offered to take some of all of them together. It was really weird to realize that that was me just a few months ago.

We have one kind of like that in our ward. But he get up as says that he has a tesitmony that Joseph Smith, Boyd K. Packer, and Thomas S. Monson are Prophets. He also read to us from the book of Tobet. ( I don't even know what that book is) It was quite strange.

Your Primary class sounds wonderful!!!!!!!! So much fun. I think I would fit right in;) You should teach them the bumble bee song:) hehe that would be lots of fun.

It has just been regular England weather here for the past few days other than on Saturday it was a Clear Sunny day and i absolutely loved it!!!! Ya I saw pictures of it from some of the Senior Missionaries in our ward. I am so jealious. I prayed for that snow and it didn't come until I left:( What knife did he loose??? I would have loved to see his face when the ice popped!!!! I am glad that he didn't leave his keys in the truck but it would have been really really funny if he did;) hehe.

I hope you have a good week


Sister Ballantyne