Monday, March 31, 2014

Last email 3/31/14

Dear Family!!!!!

It was so good to see all of you yesterday!!!! You all look so good. I am so grateful to have you as my family!!!!
Brother Delooze has been less active for about 5 years. And their oldest son Jed is Less active. Morgan just turned 13. Jed is 16 and reminds me so much of potato. They are so funny!!!!
She didn't talk to her family because she is going home in June and felt that it would be to hard to see them now. She may do it in may but she is still trying to decide if she is going to or not. She has 2 sisters who are married and have kids. She said that he would have had to go to a safari park or near someone who had malaria or an insect bite. I still find it a bit funny!!!!
Well we will see how that works!!!!!! It will be fun and even if I am on the plane all on my own all the more people to talk to. It will definitely be interesting!!!!
Yes I think I got everything!!!!!! It is going to be fun bringing it home. I am leaving some of my clothes in the flat for future missionaries. They are still in good condition and will be good for others to use. Alright thank you. And no I have not been without for long. I got every thing I needed!!!
Oh I had to bear my testimony in church yesterday because I was leaving. If you would have been there you would have thought I was running sacrament because they had me leading the music as I normally do on Sundays now and then they had me bear my testimony and I also said the closing prayer. It was so funny I am sure that the ward is sick of seeing me now. Just kidding they love me!!!! It was really good at the end of sacrament they had the little kids come up and grab forget me not flowers for the mothers and women in the ward. Sister vosloo and I stayed seated and then Sister Runcie sent her little girl up. By this time everyone was waiting for the hymn and prayer. So they were all watching Bella go up. She grabbed 2 Flowers and and brought them to us. And you hear a AHHHH in the room it was so cute!!!!!!!! I love this ward and wish I could bring the flowers with me but I will just have to get some when I am home.
Oh I am so excited to see the snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It will be great!!!!!!!!
Haha I wont be able to text him until Friday Afternoon. And just so you know I am not eager to be released I just know it will be hard with all of the temptations around me and still being a set apart missionary. But I will do what ever is asked of me!!! It will be great to be in a Trio again!!!!!!
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dutch oven!!!!!!!!! It will be a meal from heaven!!!!!!!! I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am sorry that she had a heart attack but am glad to hear that she is doing well!!!!!! Wow that was risky to do it but good!!!!!
It is so weird that this will be the last email. I think I may just need to send you little ones while you are at work!!!! That could be fun to brighten up your days at work. Haha I am sorry that it is not going so well. I wish there was something that I could do to help. Just remember that I love you and will give you a huge hug everyday when you get home from work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love and miss you so much

I will see you in 3 days bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Be good!!!!!
Sister Ballantyne

Monday, March 24, 2014

Email 3/24/14

Dear Family,
GUESS WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I tuned a Violin Yesterday!!!!! I have not touched or played one in a really long time!!! Yet I remembered how to tune it!!!!! So crazy!!!!! I enjoyed playing with it again.
This week has been so great!!!!!!! We went wedding dress shopping with Joanne and It was so much fun. Other that I have come down with a cold again so that was no fun. She looked so good in those dresses and she narrowed it down to two but decided that she needed to think about it. So later that day her and Neil went to the first place they went while I was in Manchester and she tried on the first dress that she liked. To compare it to the other ones.  And she bought it. It looks really good on her. I got to see a picture. We are going to go help her figure out the details this week. It is so great to see her so happy!!!!
Diane on the other hand I am really worried about. She is not doing so well. And I am lost as to how to help her. I fear that she is going back into the cycle that keeps getting her into trouble. She is so great and so are her girls and I fear for all of them of what might happen this week. I feel guilty for leaving them like this. Yet I know that there is nothing that I can do. I just wish that there was more that I could do. Would you mind putting their names on the temple roll back home???? Their names are Diane Jevens, Scott Hugh, Sarah Hugh, Katie Hugh, Destiny Hugh. And then Neil Young and Joanne Smith. Please and thank you!!!!!!! I honestly never thought that leaving would be this hard!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope that I will be able to keep in touch with them but I don't know if it will be possible with Diane and her family.
I would just like to thank you for letting me grow up in a safe and secure family unit. Seeing what Diane has gone through I am just so grateful that you are always there for me and have my best interest at heart!!!!! Thank you for being my parents and standing by me when I need you the most. I could and would not ask for better parents!!!!!

Great I look forward to seeing you as well. Their names are the Delooze's. She is from America (Rochester New York). And she served her mission here. They are great!!!!!!! I will definitely tell them thank you for you!!!!
Yes I will look for one for him. That will be fun.
Oh I cannot wait to see all of you. And if she doesn't want to go to the Airport on her birthday she doesn't have to. She is so cute.

I know I am so happy that she got married but a little sad I was not able to be there. But there will be other weddings!!!!!! I look forward to finally meeting her Husband!!!!!
Yes I will speak on that day!!!!! It sounds like it will be a very crazy day!!!!!! Do we know when I am going to be released??? Maybe I wont prepare a talk and just wing it and see how it goes!!!!!!!! haha that could be really entertaining!!!!!!!
Oh I forgot about that I will do it!!!!! I am excited!!!!!!!! OH how I love you so much!!!!!!
Tell potato not to worry about not being there. Tell him to go and enjoy!!!!!!! And I will see him later!!!!!
I think I was just offered a job because I can type. Who knew it would be a skill over here just emailing home. It just goes to show that people are really watching us!!!!!!!

Thank you so much for all that you do!!!!!! I love you so much.

Love you more than you will ever know
Sister Ballantyne

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Email 3/17/14

Dearest Family, 

Oh how I love and miss you so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This week has definitely been an interesting one!!!!!! I went on Exchange in Manchester and that was really great!!!! It is so beautiful there. Every time I look around at this beautiful country I am more determined to find a way to come back and see more. There is just so much History that we miss as missionaries. And I would love to be able to share these wonderful sites with my wonderfully amazing family!!!!!!

So this week has been fun. Diane forgave 2 people that she said she would never forgive!!!!!! I don't know how she did it but she did!!! And she looks like there has been a massive weight lifted off of her shoulders!!!!! She is so strong. Unfortunately her baptism will have to be moved back again because something came up and she was not able to make it to church on Sunday. That was really hard because I know that Church will help her but she needs to make that decision on her own. But she is still wonderful!!!! While I was on exchange the Sisters here went wedding dress shopping with Joanne. I was a bit gutted that I was not able to go but we are going to another place this week so it will be fun!!!!!! I think that they are still planning on having the wedding on the 10th of May. It is so exciting!!!!!!

I love being a missionary so much!!!!! Although it can be stressful at times the miracles and tender mercies far out weigh the stressful times. 

I am sorry to hear about Elder Toa. That is not something anyone would want to hear. It is just like what you told me. What better place to be then to be serving the Lord when He calls you home. I will keep his family in my prayers.

I am surprised to hear that we have a new bishopric. They will do great. Tell brother Webb that he should come here all if the bishops are young. They are all pretty much around 28 years old. It was a complete shock to me when I first got here. But that is who the Lord needs. 

Oh I forgot to tell you that on Saturday we had to go and do some emergency service for some members to move some things out of a house. Apparently there was a less active that died a little over a week ago and they just found her in her home last Saturday. That hit a bit close to home but we went and helped them move the fridge and washer out and we are going back to day to help move some more out. I just hope that the family will be able to know that she is in a better place. 
I love you all so much and thank you for your prayers!!!!!!!


Sister Ballantyne

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Email 3/9/14

Dearest Family!!!!!!!
This week has been fun. On Monday Sister Vosloo and the Elders in the area went to see the Air Base Museum. When we got there they said that it was closed. But when they realized that we were Americans they opened it up just for us. It was great!!!!! I took so many photos and it was wonderful to see the History of the Land that we are living on.

We have not gone to the funeral yet. I believe that her Nan is going to be cremated. Hopefully it will be soon. But Diane is doing great!!!! We had to move her Baptism date back cause she was not able to come to church yesterday so it is now on the 29th of Apr. I am praying so hard for her. Trial are continually being thrown in her direction. It is a testimony builder for me that this church is true. She is such a wonderful women and I wish that I could just take away all of her struggles.
Neil and Joanne and their family are doing great!!!!!!! They have pretty much set a date for get married. They are just waiting to finalize it. They are aiming for the 10th of May. It is so exciting!!!!!! They are a wonderful couple and I am so grateful for the blessing it is to teach them. They seem to be having a bit of a rough time but they are hanging in there. It is so hard to see that they are doing the right thing but have so much opposition. But again it just builds your testimony of the church. Why would so many people and things be working against one church??? Unless it was true. We took them to walk around the Temple grounds on Saturday. They absolutely loved it!!!!!!! And they looked like they belonged there!!!!!! I look forward to the day that they are able to go in. That will be a glorious day!!!!!
On Saturday we found a miracle!!! We were calling by a FI (former investigator). Her name is Joyce Rigby. We knock on a door that we thought was hers and no one answered. Then we were walking down the street and saw another house and decided to knock. And she answered the door. She said that she was terminally ill and was not interested in changing her religion at this time. So we just talked to her for a long while. She has visited Utah and saw the Provo Temple dedicated and was able to go in before it was dedicated. And she  has read the Book of Mormon. She is not interested but we will be going over to give her some company now and again. She is an absolute sweetheart. Her husband died of Alzheimer's. He had if for 11 years before he died. It made me think of Grandma and Grandpa Tyne and how it must be for them. I want to help them as much as I can when I get home.
Sometimes we feel that it is not the right time but it really is the perfect time. I have definitely learned that since being out here. That the Lord is preparing so many people around us and often it is the people who we think are not ready that are the ones ready!!!! All I ask is to pray about it. You could even just pray and ask Heavenly Father who He would like you to give a Book of Mormon to.
No it is only some missions right now that are using face book. They are doing it one mission at a time. 

I miss Chez too. And Sister Peirre is great!!!!! She is so funny!!!!!!

I love and miss you tons!!!! Don't have too much fun with out me!!!!!

Sister Ballantyne

Monday, March 3, 2014

Email 3/3/14

Dear Family,

This week has been pretty good.  Diane is already doing so much better then when I first met her. The changes are completely amazing and Heaven sent. I just really worry about her!!!!!! Especially with the news that she got yesterday that her Nan died. So we went to see her and help her through this hard time. She has asked us to come to the funeral with her when it comes because he does not want to face her step dad alone. And for very good reason I would not want her to have to face him again either. I just wish there was so much more that I can do for her!!!!! There have been a few that are willing to help. So that will be good because she is really going to need it.
So we are working on strengthening them and mending patches in the ward. We are already starting to see it work We had 5 of the relief society come out with us on Saturday to go finding and we were able to help a few of them resolve conflicts that they had with each other. It has been great to see. We are doing all kind of service for them. What ever they need we do. It is great I am learning all of these new skills. Some times is it just going and spending some time with them and letting them teach us what their talents are and learning how to do them. It is so great to be able to do so much service for those around us. That is a really good Idea!!!! I had forgotten about it but I really like it!!!!!!!!! We will try it!!!!!! I have not yet but I might do.
Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of our investigators got up during testimony meeting in sacrament and bore his testimony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was floored!!!!!! It was so great. Then we went to the Mission home fireside that night and our recent convert Hannah spoke. It was a wonderful day!!!! To top it all off Neil ( the investigator who bore his testimony on Sunday told us that they are really thinking about getting married sooner rather then in August!!!!!!!! It was just a great day!!!!!
I have definitely had some great companions!!!!!!!!
A carvery is like a buffet at home. But is is a Sunday roast!!!!!! It is really good!!!!! She was 6 so I am not too sure that she looked at that!!!!!
OH my goodness the Temple visit was wonderful. I cannot wait to go again. I didn't realize that he recorded it. That is funny!!!!!
Those crafts sound so cute!!!!!!!!!! I am glad that you were able to get together.
Haha yes they will!!!!!!!!!!! I am glad that they are doing well!!!!!!! Have you given them a book of ormon???? I was thinking you could all write your testimonies in them and then give it to them.
I promise that I will not work myself up or stress myself out!!!! I will take one day at a time and figure it out as it comes!!!!!!!!!!!

I really do love and miss you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I hope you are all doing well!!!!!
Sister Ballantyne

Monday, February 24, 2014

Email 2/24/14

Dear Family!!!!!!!!!!
It has been yet another crazy and a bit stressful week. Right before transfers we found out why Diane one of our investigators has been so distant in the past two lessons. She has found out that she was 24 weeks pregnant with twins. She is 34 and already has 4 kids under the age of 12. She told us that she didn't want them because they were from her ex that beat her on new years. I was completely shocked and had no idea what to do. So I have just been praying for her constantly. We went to go and see her on Thursday last week and she was not in. So we then went and saw her on Saturday and she told us that she packed up the kids and went for a few day holiday to clear her head. She has decided to keep the twins. I was so happy. It is still going to be a long road but she seems to be listening so much more and really taking it in. Her and her two daughters are scheduled to be baptized on the 22nd of March. They are so great!!!!!! I love their family so much I just want to take away all of the pain and stress that they are going through. The next step is to get the Relief Society involved. I hope that they will. We really need her to have friends to help her through this rough time.
My Companion is Sister Vosloo! She is from South Africa near Johannesburg. She has been out only one transfer less then I have. She is great!!!! I already love her so much. She is helping me to not be so stressed about the area and leaving it. I just love every one here so much that I don't want to leave them without doing all that I can for them. It has been wonderful to have her connect with so many of the people we are working with. So much so that I don't have to worry about them as much as I have been because I know that they will be in good hands.
Right now we are going to be working a lot on uniting the members. So we will be doing lots of service for them!!!!!! They are great as single families, but they seem to forget that they are a ward family. They are letting little things come between them and it is hard to see. So we are going to work on building their faith in the Atonement. You can see the discord in church.
Oh my goodness I have a story to tell you!!!!!!! So we went out to tea with some members. They took us out to a carvery!!!!! It was heavenly!!!!!!! Well while we were talking they were saying that the little girl was just like her mom. So I asked the little girl if she wanted to see a picture. She said yes so I pulled out the one of you and dad holding me as a baby. She looked at it for a second then threw her hands down on the table and said " WAIT YOUR MARRIED" I could not control my laughter because it was just so funny and priceless. She is 6 years old and it just reminded me so much of little Audrey!!!!!! Oh it was a great night!!!!! They brought out sister Vosloo's pudding on a really big plate (the pudding was really small) , and that same little girl said. "I think they should bring you a smaller plate for your pudding.
We got in contact with Ryan and his phone had broken so we now have his new number but have not had a chance to meet with him yet. Hopefully this week.
NO the weather has just been up and down!!!!!!!
I get to go to the temple tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited!!!!! I have missed it so much. Oh and president said that it is fine to skype on mothers day. It is the 30th of March!!!

I am not sure if I need to send anything home as of yet but I will look through and let you know. I don't know what to bring home!!!!!!! It is so hard.
I hope that everyone starts feeling better!!!!!!!!
I love and miss you tons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sister Ballantyne

Monday, February 17, 2014

Email 2/17/14

Dearest Family!!!!!!
This week has been absolutely Crazy!!!!!! Monday was crazy because pretty much nothing went as planned. But it was really fun!!!!!!! We ended up not seeing Ryan unfortunately because he was in wales visiting his mom and was not able to make it back. So hopefully we will be able to meet with him soon. Tuesday we had a zone meeting and it was really good!!!! It was an answer to my prayers!!!!!!!! I have been trying to figure out how to become more sincere through prayer. And the whole zone meeting was on prayer and what we can do to have more meaningful prayers. It was amazing!!!!!!! Then sister Steinagel and I went on an exchange. She went to St. Helens with Sister Taylor, and Sister Fonoifua came to me. She is from Tonga and she is really funny!!!!!!!! We had so much fun!!!!!! We saw a lot of miracles. Like one of our potential investigators that we have not been able to get in contact with us and said that she would like to come to church this Sunday!!!!! I am so excited!!!!!!! On Wednesday we had crazy weather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There were 80 mile an hour winds. It was so bad that we were on a bus for 2 hours and stuck in the bus station for 1 hour. It was quite entertaining!!!!!!!!!!! I love being a missionary!!!!!!!!!! Thursday we exchanged back and I got my wonderful Companion back!!!! Yay!!!!!
Thursday and Friday were the craziest days I have ever had so far. On Thursday agter we exchanged back we went to go see one of our investigators. On the way there we stopped to talk to a man and He bent down to kiss sister steinagel and she stepped back so he kissed her hand. It was so funny. We then went to call by one of our investigators and she answered the door and told us it wasn't a good time that she was getting ready for work and then flashed us. I wonder if she thought that we didn't understand what she was saying but I was completely shocked!!!!!!!! On Friday we would knock on doors and people would come in their bath robes and tell us that they were just about to get in the shower!!!!! I just don't know what is going on!!!!! It is crazy!!!!!!!! We had 3 amazing miracles on Friday. One was we met a less active and he said that we could come and teach him again. Then the other two were that night!!!!! We were going to a members home and on the way sister Steinagel was talking to a lady on the bus and another woman kept staring at her. She got off at the same stop that we did and I knew that I needed to talk to her. She was really nice and said that she would like to learn more about what she had heard and we are meeting with her on Tuesday!!!! Then right after her there was a woman who was about to fall over so sister steinagel ran to help here. We started talking to her and she said that she would love to know what the purpose of life is and what happens after. We are also meeting her on Tuesday!!!!!!!

Saturday we got transfer calls. Sister Steinagel is leaving and I will be staying here in Warrington. My new companion will be Sister Voslou. She is from South Africa. Sunday was really hard because it was all really starting to sink in!!!!!!! But the lessons were really good and helped a lot. I am glad that this will be my last area!!!! They are all so wonderful!!!!!!!!!!
The woman that died and her husband were members but the rest of their family are not members. And we were volunteered by the Senior missionary couple in the ward. I think it went alright.
We are still trying to get them to pick a date. I hope that it will be soon but we will have to just pray and see.
Oh that is such a cute idea!!!!!!!!!! I am sure that she loved it.
Wow that is good that he is going on a mission. He will do great!!!!!
You can talk about how Obedience is what can bring pure happiness. Ecl. 12:13; D&C 84:44; 1 Ne. 3:7.  I found the first one the other day and linked it to the others. I really puts what is expected of us into perspective. When we do that everything else seems to fall into place. Often times we make it ten time harder then what it needs to be. Just go back to the basics and work at them every day. It was a great personal study on Sunday!!!!!!! You will do great!!!!!
I hope that you are all doing well!!!!! I love you tons!!!!!!
Sister Ballantyne