Sunday, March 16, 2014

Email 3/9/14

Dearest Family!!!!!!!
This week has been fun. On Monday Sister Vosloo and the Elders in the area went to see the Air Base Museum. When we got there they said that it was closed. But when they realized that we were Americans they opened it up just for us. It was great!!!!! I took so many photos and it was wonderful to see the History of the Land that we are living on.

We have not gone to the funeral yet. I believe that her Nan is going to be cremated. Hopefully it will be soon. But Diane is doing great!!!! We had to move her Baptism date back cause she was not able to come to church yesterday so it is now on the 29th of Apr. I am praying so hard for her. Trial are continually being thrown in her direction. It is a testimony builder for me that this church is true. She is such a wonderful women and I wish that I could just take away all of her struggles.
Neil and Joanne and their family are doing great!!!!!!! They have pretty much set a date for get married. They are just waiting to finalize it. They are aiming for the 10th of May. It is so exciting!!!!!! They are a wonderful couple and I am so grateful for the blessing it is to teach them. They seem to be having a bit of a rough time but they are hanging in there. It is so hard to see that they are doing the right thing but have so much opposition. But again it just builds your testimony of the church. Why would so many people and things be working against one church??? Unless it was true. We took them to walk around the Temple grounds on Saturday. They absolutely loved it!!!!!!! And they looked like they belonged there!!!!!! I look forward to the day that they are able to go in. That will be a glorious day!!!!!
On Saturday we found a miracle!!! We were calling by a FI (former investigator). Her name is Joyce Rigby. We knock on a door that we thought was hers and no one answered. Then we were walking down the street and saw another house and decided to knock. And she answered the door. She said that she was terminally ill and was not interested in changing her religion at this time. So we just talked to her for a long while. She has visited Utah and saw the Provo Temple dedicated and was able to go in before it was dedicated. And she  has read the Book of Mormon. She is not interested but we will be going over to give her some company now and again. She is an absolute sweetheart. Her husband died of Alzheimer's. He had if for 11 years before he died. It made me think of Grandma and Grandpa Tyne and how it must be for them. I want to help them as much as I can when I get home.
Sometimes we feel that it is not the right time but it really is the perfect time. I have definitely learned that since being out here. That the Lord is preparing so many people around us and often it is the people who we think are not ready that are the ones ready!!!! All I ask is to pray about it. You could even just pray and ask Heavenly Father who He would like you to give a Book of Mormon to.
No it is only some missions right now that are using face book. They are doing it one mission at a time. 

I miss Chez too. And Sister Peirre is great!!!!! She is so funny!!!!!!

I love and miss you tons!!!! Don't have too much fun with out me!!!!!

Sister Ballantyne

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