Sunday, March 23, 2014

Email 3/17/14

Dearest Family, 

Oh how I love and miss you so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This week has definitely been an interesting one!!!!!! I went on Exchange in Manchester and that was really great!!!! It is so beautiful there. Every time I look around at this beautiful country I am more determined to find a way to come back and see more. There is just so much History that we miss as missionaries. And I would love to be able to share these wonderful sites with my wonderfully amazing family!!!!!!

So this week has been fun. Diane forgave 2 people that she said she would never forgive!!!!!! I don't know how she did it but she did!!! And she looks like there has been a massive weight lifted off of her shoulders!!!!! She is so strong. Unfortunately her baptism will have to be moved back again because something came up and she was not able to make it to church on Sunday. That was really hard because I know that Church will help her but she needs to make that decision on her own. But she is still wonderful!!!! While I was on exchange the Sisters here went wedding dress shopping with Joanne. I was a bit gutted that I was not able to go but we are going to another place this week so it will be fun!!!!!! I think that they are still planning on having the wedding on the 10th of May. It is so exciting!!!!!!

I love being a missionary so much!!!!! Although it can be stressful at times the miracles and tender mercies far out weigh the stressful times. 

I am sorry to hear about Elder Toa. That is not something anyone would want to hear. It is just like what you told me. What better place to be then to be serving the Lord when He calls you home. I will keep his family in my prayers.

I am surprised to hear that we have a new bishopric. They will do great. Tell brother Webb that he should come here all if the bishops are young. They are all pretty much around 28 years old. It was a complete shock to me when I first got here. But that is who the Lord needs. 

Oh I forgot to tell you that on Saturday we had to go and do some emergency service for some members to move some things out of a house. Apparently there was a less active that died a little over a week ago and they just found her in her home last Saturday. That hit a bit close to home but we went and helped them move the fridge and washer out and we are going back to day to help move some more out. I just hope that the family will be able to know that she is in a better place. 
I love you all so much and thank you for your prayers!!!!!!!


Sister Ballantyne

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