Monday, February 24, 2014

Email 2/24/14

Dear Family!!!!!!!!!!
It has been yet another crazy and a bit stressful week. Right before transfers we found out why Diane one of our investigators has been so distant in the past two lessons. She has found out that she was 24 weeks pregnant with twins. She is 34 and already has 4 kids under the age of 12. She told us that she didn't want them because they were from her ex that beat her on new years. I was completely shocked and had no idea what to do. So I have just been praying for her constantly. We went to go and see her on Thursday last week and she was not in. So we then went and saw her on Saturday and she told us that she packed up the kids and went for a few day holiday to clear her head. She has decided to keep the twins. I was so happy. It is still going to be a long road but she seems to be listening so much more and really taking it in. Her and her two daughters are scheduled to be baptized on the 22nd of March. They are so great!!!!!! I love their family so much I just want to take away all of the pain and stress that they are going through. The next step is to get the Relief Society involved. I hope that they will. We really need her to have friends to help her through this rough time.
My Companion is Sister Vosloo! She is from South Africa near Johannesburg. She has been out only one transfer less then I have. She is great!!!! I already love her so much. She is helping me to not be so stressed about the area and leaving it. I just love every one here so much that I don't want to leave them without doing all that I can for them. It has been wonderful to have her connect with so many of the people we are working with. So much so that I don't have to worry about them as much as I have been because I know that they will be in good hands.
Right now we are going to be working a lot on uniting the members. So we will be doing lots of service for them!!!!!! They are great as single families, but they seem to forget that they are a ward family. They are letting little things come between them and it is hard to see. So we are going to work on building their faith in the Atonement. You can see the discord in church.
Oh my goodness I have a story to tell you!!!!!!! So we went out to tea with some members. They took us out to a carvery!!!!! It was heavenly!!!!!!! Well while we were talking they were saying that the little girl was just like her mom. So I asked the little girl if she wanted to see a picture. She said yes so I pulled out the one of you and dad holding me as a baby. She looked at it for a second then threw her hands down on the table and said " WAIT YOUR MARRIED" I could not control my laughter because it was just so funny and priceless. She is 6 years old and it just reminded me so much of little Audrey!!!!!! Oh it was a great night!!!!! They brought out sister Vosloo's pudding on a really big plate (the pudding was really small) , and that same little girl said. "I think they should bring you a smaller plate for your pudding.
We got in contact with Ryan and his phone had broken so we now have his new number but have not had a chance to meet with him yet. Hopefully this week.
NO the weather has just been up and down!!!!!!!
I get to go to the temple tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited!!!!! I have missed it so much. Oh and president said that it is fine to skype on mothers day. It is the 30th of March!!!

I am not sure if I need to send anything home as of yet but I will look through and let you know. I don't know what to bring home!!!!!!! It is so hard.
I hope that everyone starts feeling better!!!!!!!!
I love and miss you tons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sister Ballantyne

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