Monday, February 17, 2014

Email 2/17/14

Dearest Family!!!!!!
This week has been absolutely Crazy!!!!!! Monday was crazy because pretty much nothing went as planned. But it was really fun!!!!!!! We ended up not seeing Ryan unfortunately because he was in wales visiting his mom and was not able to make it back. So hopefully we will be able to meet with him soon. Tuesday we had a zone meeting and it was really good!!!! It was an answer to my prayers!!!!!!!! I have been trying to figure out how to become more sincere through prayer. And the whole zone meeting was on prayer and what we can do to have more meaningful prayers. It was amazing!!!!!!! Then sister Steinagel and I went on an exchange. She went to St. Helens with Sister Taylor, and Sister Fonoifua came to me. She is from Tonga and she is really funny!!!!!!!! We had so much fun!!!!!! We saw a lot of miracles. Like one of our potential investigators that we have not been able to get in contact with us and said that she would like to come to church this Sunday!!!!! I am so excited!!!!!!! On Wednesday we had crazy weather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There were 80 mile an hour winds. It was so bad that we were on a bus for 2 hours and stuck in the bus station for 1 hour. It was quite entertaining!!!!!!!!!!! I love being a missionary!!!!!!!!!! Thursday we exchanged back and I got my wonderful Companion back!!!! Yay!!!!!
Thursday and Friday were the craziest days I have ever had so far. On Thursday agter we exchanged back we went to go see one of our investigators. On the way there we stopped to talk to a man and He bent down to kiss sister steinagel and she stepped back so he kissed her hand. It was so funny. We then went to call by one of our investigators and she answered the door and told us it wasn't a good time that she was getting ready for work and then flashed us. I wonder if she thought that we didn't understand what she was saying but I was completely shocked!!!!!!!! On Friday we would knock on doors and people would come in their bath robes and tell us that they were just about to get in the shower!!!!! I just don't know what is going on!!!!! It is crazy!!!!!!!! We had 3 amazing miracles on Friday. One was we met a less active and he said that we could come and teach him again. Then the other two were that night!!!!! We were going to a members home and on the way sister Steinagel was talking to a lady on the bus and another woman kept staring at her. She got off at the same stop that we did and I knew that I needed to talk to her. She was really nice and said that she would like to learn more about what she had heard and we are meeting with her on Tuesday!!!! Then right after her there was a woman who was about to fall over so sister steinagel ran to help here. We started talking to her and she said that she would love to know what the purpose of life is and what happens after. We are also meeting her on Tuesday!!!!!!!

Saturday we got transfer calls. Sister Steinagel is leaving and I will be staying here in Warrington. My new companion will be Sister Voslou. She is from South Africa. Sunday was really hard because it was all really starting to sink in!!!!!!! But the lessons were really good and helped a lot. I am glad that this will be my last area!!!! They are all so wonderful!!!!!!!!!!
The woman that died and her husband were members but the rest of their family are not members. And we were volunteered by the Senior missionary couple in the ward. I think it went alright.
We are still trying to get them to pick a date. I hope that it will be soon but we will have to just pray and see.
Oh that is such a cute idea!!!!!!!!!! I am sure that she loved it.
Wow that is good that he is going on a mission. He will do great!!!!!
You can talk about how Obedience is what can bring pure happiness. Ecl. 12:13; D&C 84:44; 1 Ne. 3:7.  I found the first one the other day and linked it to the others. I really puts what is expected of us into perspective. When we do that everything else seems to fall into place. Often times we make it ten time harder then what it needs to be. Just go back to the basics and work at them every day. It was a great personal study on Sunday!!!!!!! You will do great!!!!!
I hope that you are all doing well!!!!! I love you tons!!!!!!
Sister Ballantyne

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